
  • Exposure to the industrial environment, which cannot be simulated in the classroom and hence creating competent professionals for the industry.
  • Provide possible opportunities to learn, understand and sharpen the real time technical / managerial skills required at the job.
  • Exposure to the current technological developments relevant to the subject area of training.
  • Create conducive conditions with quest for knowledge and its applicability on the job.

Why Internships are important!

Benefits to the Institute

  • An opportunity to get hired by the Industry/ organization.
  • Practical experience in an organizational setting & Industry environment.
  • Excellent opportunity to see how the theoretical aspects learned in classes are integrated into the practical world. On-floor experience provides much more professional experience which is often worth more than classroom teaching.
  • Helps them decide if the industry and the profession is the best career option to pursue.
  • Opportunity to learn new skills and supplement knowledge.
  • Opportunity to practice communication and teamwork skills.
  • Opportunity to learn strategies like time management, multi-tasking etc in an industrial setup.
  • Makes a valuable addition to their resume.
  • Enhances their candidacy for higher education.
  • Creating a network and social circle and developing relationships with industry people.
  • Provides opportunity to evaluate the organization before committing to a full time position.

Benefits to Students

  • Build industry academia relations.
  • Makes the placement process easier.
  • Improve institutional credibility & branding.
  • Helps in retention of the students.
  • Curriculum revision can be made based on feedback from Industry/ students.
  • Improvement in teaching learning process.

Benefits to the Industry

  • Availability of ready to contribute candidates for employment.
  • Year round source of highly motivated pre-professionals.
  • Students bring new perspectives to problem solving.
  • Visibility of the organization is increased on campus.
  • Quality candidate’s availability for temporary or seasonal positions and projects.
  • Freedom for industrial staff to pursue more creative projects.
  • Availability of flexible, cost-effective workforce not requiring a long-term employer commitment.
  • Proven, cost-effective way to recruit and evaluate potential employees.
  • Enhancement of the employer's image in the community by contributing to the educational enterprise.

Internship opportunities available at KJSSE!

In-house Internships (within the college)

  • Internship offered by faculty member (Inter/Intra-department)
  • Bloombox
  • Software Development Cell (SDC)
  • Mega Projects (Orion / Onyx / Robocon etc)
  • Workshops / Training Programs organized by College / Departments / Student’s Councils
  • Parvaah
  • Library / Department / Institute / Campus administration
  • Any other internship approved by concerned authorities

External Internships (Outside the college)

  • Industry Internship with/without Stipend
  • Govt / PSU Internship (BARC / Railway / ISRO etc)
  • NGO / Social Internship
  • Working at Family Business
  • Internship with outside Institute / Professor
  • Internship with Startups / Monitored Incubation centres (RiiDL / SINE / Any other established incubation centres)
  • Industrial Training Programs organized by external entities
  • Any other internship approved by concerned authorities

Internship Committee

Internship Committee
Department Name Mail id Extn Room no
I/C Internship Cell Mr. Sandeep Parmar internshipcell.engg@somaiya.edu 9058 B - 002
UG - Department Internship Coordinator
COMP Prof. Shweta Chachara shwetachachra@somaiya.edu 9112 B-117
ETRX Prof. Sushma Kadge sushmakadge@somaiya.edu  9211 B-417
EXTC Prof. Sharvari Deshmane sharvarid@somaiya.edu 9332 A-406
IT Prof. Purnima Ahirao purnimaahirao@somaiya.edu 9419 B-315
MECH Dr. Dinesh Chawade dineshc@somaiya.edu 9534 B-009
PG - Department Internship Coordinator
COMP Prof. Bhakti Palkar bhaktiraul@somaiya.edu 9118 B-210
ETRX Prof. Sushma Kadge sushmakadge@somaiya.edu  9211  B-417
EXTC Prof. Dipak Kulkarni dipakkulkarni@somaiya.edu 9303 A-215
IT Prof. Sangeeta Nagpure sangeetanagpure@somaiya.edu 9412 B-318
MECH (CC) Prof. Ajay Gangrade akgangrade@somaiya.edu 9506 A-013
MECH (EE) Prof. Ramola Sinha ramolasinha@somaiya.edu 9495 A-309

Internship Converted into Opportunities

Select Year:
Student Name Program Branch Industry / Institute Package offered
Year 2023-24
Hetvi Jayesh Gudka B.Tech COMP Microsoft PPO 51.03
Akhil Nilabh Nagar B.Tech COMP Microsoft PPO 51.03
Manav Hiren Rupani B.Tech COMP DeepCytes PPO 25.6
Ruta Kulkarni B.Tech COMP JPMC PPO 19.75
Manori Sangani B.Tech COMP JPMC PPO 19.75
Archita Sogani B.Tech COMP JPMC PPO 19.75
Qusai Kader B.Tech COMP JPMC PPO 19.75
Ujjwal Kumar B.Tech COMP JPMC PPO 19.75
Aditya Pawar B.Tech COMP JPMC PPO 19.75
Ved Patel B.Tech COMP JPMC PPO 19.75
Shruti Tyagi B.Tech COMP JPMC PPO 19.75
Kanishk Sharma B.Tech IT JPMC PPO 19.75
Shriya Pingulkar B.Tech IT JPMC PPO 19.75
Pratham Rinku Mehta B.Tech COMP Arcon PPO 13
Aayush Pandey B.Tech COMP Arcon PPO 13
Esha MIlind Shelar B.Tech COMP Arcon PPO 13
Hetvi Shah B.Tech IT Arcon PPO 13
Hrishik Mayur Sancheti B.Tech COMP Microsoft PPO 11.2
Pyanshi Jain B.Tech COMP Microsoft PPO 11.2
Vivek Ramkewal Vishwakarma B.Tech COMP Microsoft PPO 11.2
Anushka Kiran Bodke B.Tech IT Microsoft PPO 11.2
Shreya khetan B.Tech COMP TIAA India PPO 10.48
Uchit Mody B.Tech COMP TIAA India PPO 10.48
Mayank Milind Kulkarni B.Tech IT TIAA India PPO 10.48
Diti Divekar B.Tech IT Think 360 PPO 9.55
Shruti Patel B.Tech IT Think 360 PPO 9.55
Ananya P Sinha B.Tech EXTC ICICI Pru PPO 7.5
Kashish Dilip Gada B.Tech EXTC ICICI Pru PPO 7.5
Yashraj Ashwin Deshmukh B.Tech COMP ICICI Pru PPO 7.5
Gautham Vishwanath Shetty B.Tech EXTC ICICI Pru PPO 7.5