Honours in Artificial Intelligence | Honours in Artificial Intelligence

Honours in Artificial Intelligence

| B.Tech. ( IT)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is part and parcel of daily routine. Now a days AI is used for face recognition, robots, Alexa, driver less cars, recommendations on Netflix and Amazon. It powers Google’s search engine, the diagnostic aiding tools for healthcare, predictive models and enables Facebook for target advertising to autonomous weapons that can kill without human intervention.

This honours program develops familiarity with programming for AI applications with a solid foundation by covering the basic Machine and Deep learning terminologies. The program gives insight to Deep Network architecture design, regularization and optimization. Further this stretches an opportunity to explore the convolutional networks and develop comprehension regarding Recurrent and Recursive Networks. This also spreads AI ethics for good AI with vision of the good life for the society. It will cover fundamental such as sounds, words, sentences, meanings, and conversations in context with Natural Language Processing (NLP).


This program aims to

  • Build the techniques and applications of Artificial Intelligence Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet requirement of real life problems.
  • Provide understanding of data analytics and covering classical approach of Machine learning ranging from supervised learning to Neural Networks.
  • Inculcate AI ethical issues including privacy concerns, responsibility, delegation of decision making and ethical practices.
  • Provide an introduction to the field of computational linguistics, aka Natural Language Processing.

Learning Outcomes

At the successful completion of this Honor program, students will able to

  • Realize problems with uncertainty, formalize the problem and find its solutions.
  • Comprehend data visualization, apply concepts of various types of learnings, Deep neural networks and its applications.
  • Understand the moral status of AI and synthesize the ethical issues raised by AI application.
  • Interpret words forms and semantics of NLP, apply Deep learning algorithms for NLP.

Eligibility Criteria

Students who have passed First Year of Engineering in Information Technology successfully.

Assessment Method

Laboratory performance evaluation, Mini Projects, Viva-voce, Continuous Assessment through internal assessments and unit tests, End Semester Examination

List of Courses

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Ethical AI
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