Smart Manufacturing | Honours in Smart Manufacturing

Honours in Smart Manufacturing

| B.Tech (RAI)

The manufacturing industry is currently witnessing the fourth industrial revolution, better known as Smart Manufacturing/Industry-4.0. The term was coined in 2011 from a project in the high-tech strategy of the German government, which promotes the computerization of manufacturing. The Internet of Things, Cloud computing, Big Data, Cyber Physical Systems, Machine Learning, Additive Manufacturing, and Robotics are some of the elements that are associated with this revolution. The main objectives of this program are: to expose candidates with the concept of Industry 4.0, to cover recent advancements in manufacturing, services, healthcare etc., and to provide hands on experience on the same.


The objectives of the Honours in Smart Manufacturing are to produce graduate who:

  • To understand basic concept of Smart Manufacturing/ Industry-4.0
  • To proficient with various hardware and software used in Advanced Automation, and Smart Manufacturing
  • To build and assess cyber security enabled applications for manufacturing and supply chain
  • To provide consulting services in the field of Smart Manufacturing
  • To pursue higher education in advancements in the field of Smart Manufacturing

Learning Outcomes

  • To develop innovative competencies in Smart Manufacturing / Industry-4.0
  • To build smart systems with suitable tools and technologies for various applications in manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, etc

Eligibility Criteria

Students who have passed First Year of B. Tech. in Robotics and AI successfully

Assessment Method

Quiz, Tests, Simulation tutorials, Presentation, Case study in relevant area, Programming Course project etc.

List of Courses

  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Industrial Automation
  • Industrial IoT
  • Digital and Cyber Physical Systems
  • Mini project
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