Placement Policy

  • All the official communication related to placement from/to the TPO will be through Official Somaiya Email i.e.
  • Students will receive all the official emails on their Somaiya email only.
  • Students will use Somaiya email only unless specified by the company for using ‘Personal email’ while registering on any company portal (if required).
  • All the recruitment updates regarding test schedule, interview rounds, selection etc. will be shared from the TPO through email and/or from student coordinators through class WhatsApp groups.
  • Once the TPO receives the communication from the company having details such as Job profile, Company details, Package, Location etc; the Registration Form Link specific to that opportunity is sent to all the students.
  • Students are advised to submit only the valid and true information in the shared registration form. If any discrepancies are found, the student will not be allowed to sit for any future placement activity in the college.
  • It is the responsibility of the student to keep checking the Announcements/notices/updated information/shortlisted names etc. sent by the placement cell during placement activity on their Somaiya individual / batch email groups.
  • Students should prepare and submit their resume by using the template provided by the college at the time of registering for placement.
  • The information mentioned in the resume has to be valid & genuine.
  • Students should mention all the skill set, interested area and extra/co-curricular activities in their resume and keep updating it timely.
  • All the ‘Registered students’ are required to remain available all the time during the entire recruitment process, regardless of their assigned slot for interview/test.
  • All the ‘Registered students’ should be present at least 15 minutes before the scheduled time of PPT/aptitude test/interview/Group Discussion.
  • Late comers for any reason will not be allowed to appear for the process and will be treated as absent for that particular drive.
  • Once a student has registered for a company, it is mandatory for him/her to appear for all the selection rounds of that company, unless rejected by the company at any stage.
  • Any student who withdraws deliberately in the middle of the selection process, he/she will not be allowed to apply for any future placement opportunity in the college.
  • Once registered, if any student remains uninformed absent, he/she will not be allowed to apply for any future placement opportunity in the college OR placement committee will decide suitable disciplinary action against that student.
  • “A good first impression can work wonders” – J.K. Rowling
  • It is mandatory for all students to appear well groomed in proper formal attire/work wear during the entire recruitment process including PPT. If anyone is found coming in casual/inappropriate attire, he/she will not be allowed to attend any rounds of that particular drive.
  • It is mandatory for all the students to wear a college ID card during the entire recruitment process including PPT.
  • All the registered students will be allowed only 10 placement attempts
  • If the student is unsuccessful after 10 placement attempts he or she must undergo PIP (Performance Improvement Phase) for a period of minimum 2 Weeks to maximum 4 weeks. Throughout this period, the student will not be allowed to participate in any placement processes.
  • During PIP, the student must evaluate his/her previous performances and identify his/her weaknesses. The students should work on his weaknesses by enrolling in online or offline training workshops suggested/organized by TPO cell.
  • Upon successful completion of the PIP phase and submission of the training certificates, the student gains eligibility for five additional placement attempts. However, if the student remains unsuccessful even after exhausting these additional attempts, then it means that he/she needs further improvements. The placement committee representatives will help in understanding the learning needs for further improving the student. Those students will have to undergo training as suggested by the placement committee. In the meantime the student will be excluded from the placement process for the time being. After the completion of necessary training the student will be inducted in the placement process again.
  • Placement Cell organizes training/workshops on employability skills, personality development, resume building etc.
  • All the final year students (UG and PG) are required to actively participate in training programs/workshops
  • All the aspiring students should be prepared with adequate learning, subject knowledge and required skills related to the Job profile/company’s work domain.
  • It is advised to refer to the company website to know more about the company and job you are applying to.
  • Pre Placement Talk (PPT) is conducted by the visiting company for the aspiring students to give details about job profile, service agreement, location etc.
  • It’s an opportunity for students to interact with the company representatives and clarify all their doubts & concerns related to the job opportunity.
  • It is mandatory for all the ‘Registered students’ to attend the Pre-Placement Talk.
  • At KJSSE, we allow our students to avail Dream job opportunities i.e. Students have a chance to get 200% placement adhering to certain conditions as set by College authorities.
  • Dream Job opportunity will be considered as the final job offer and 100% joining is mandatory.
  • First Job Package shared during the Job Announcement/PPT will be considered for calculating Second Job Eligibility.
1st Job package 
(Which student already has)
Dream Job Eligibility
Package with CTC >= 15 LPA Package with CTC <= 15 LPA
< 15 LPA Eligible Not Eligible


  • ★ If the 1st Job Package is 10 LPA, then a student can apply for a Dream Job if its package is >= 15 LPA.
  • It is mandatory for all the students to keep checking their Somaiya mails regularly and be available for call / WhatsApp during the entire process.
  • It is mandatory for all the students to be available and present during the complete recruitment process as instructed and required by the company personnel.
  • Students will have to report and attend the test/interview/Group discussion as scheduled by the company personnel in-person/virtually.
  • After selection is confirmed by the company and informed to TPO, it is mandatory for the selected students to submit a photocopy of the offer letter to the Training & Placement Office.
  • As a protocol, During/after the process, students are not permitted to directly communicate with HR or company personnel for any query or concern but only through TPO.
  • Strict Disciplinary action will be initiated against students involved in any unethical practices in any stage of placement drive.
  • In case of any discrepancies/dispute in placement process or placement policies, the decision of the placement committee will be final.

During / after the placement drive, if any student is found violating the placement policy, process or guidelines given by the placement cell, the student may be liable for any one or more disciplinary action in consultation with college authorities:

  • He / She may be debarred from the placement process for the entire semester/year.
  • He / She may not get any recommendation for further studies.
  • Recommendations given for further studies may be revoked.
  • Any other disciplinary action suggested by College Authorities.

Placement Connect

Mr. Vikrant Waghmare

Training and Placement Officer (TPO)

+91 9359372699,  022-66449013

K J Somaiya School of Engineering

Ground Floor, Bhaskaracharya Building, Somaiya Vidyavihar Campus, Vidyavihar (East), Mumbai – 400 077.