Honours in Geospatial Computing | Honours in Geospatial Computing

Honours in Geospatial Computing

| B.Tech (Comp)

Geospatial computing field uses geographic or location connected spatial data. Advanced computational techniques in geospatial computing are useful in diversified areas of applications such as to study human activity, change detection, disaster management, space and the Earth’s climate monitoring and change.

It’s an interdisciplinary program that incorporates aspects of cartography, statistics, computer engineering, hydrography, geography, remote sensing, etc.. Many tools & technologies are available to Geospatial experts such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and can develop knowledge base and hence play a similar role as a data scientist.


The offered programme aims to give the understanding of:

  • Harvest relevant geospatial data sets to prepare knowledgebase.
  • Analyse the information for meaningful insights.
  • Display these insights effectively using visualization tools such as maps, graphs, statistics, and cartograms, etc.
  • Develop applications to resolve problems by predictive or decisive algorithms and methods.

Learning Outcomes of the Honours’ Degree Programme:

At the successful completion of this programme, an Engineering Graduate will be able to:

  • Use principles, concepts, methods and techniques for geospatial information processing.
  • Explain various applications such as collection, classification and visualization of spatial information.
  • Analyse problems by predictive and decisive manner from a geospatial perspective
  • Apply methods and techniques for GIS applications in the context of environment, user and earth to solve scientific and practical problems of the ecosystem.
  • Analyze data to create impactful visualizations for effective communication after assessing the data for recognising visual representation quality.

Eligibility Criteria

Students who have passed First Year of Engineering in Computer Engineering successfully.

Assessment Method

Evaluation is done by a variety of tools including Open book tests, MCQs (multiple choice questions), Study of research papers, Internal Assessment tools and End Semester Examinations etc. Mini-Projects are offered in courses also to encourage project based learning among students.

List of Courses

  • Introduction to GIS
  • Principles of Remote Sensing
  • Spatial Data Analysis for GIS Applications
  • GIS & Remote Sensing in Public Health
  • Mini Project
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