Honours in Internet of Things | Honours in Internet of Things Honours in Internet of Things | Honours in Internet of Things

Honours in Internet of Things

| B.Tech. (EXCP)

Internet of Things (IoT) is an interdisciplinary nature combining electronics, software development, and networking, such knowledge offers versatility in the job market. Additionally, the growing demand for IoT professionals across industries like smart homes, healthcare, and automotive presents ample career opportunities. Expertise of IoT not only nurtures innovation but also opens avenues for entrepreneurship and career advancement. By embracing IoT, electronics engineers position themselves at the forefront of technological advancements, ensuring their relevance and contribution to the ongoing digital transformation.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0, brings digital and physical technologies together to create responsive, interconnected operations. From the supply chain to the smart factory, enterprises are using AI, robotics, edge computing, and the cloud to make informed, timely decisions. Solutions designed for the IoT use connected sensors and edge devices to help improve product quality and factory operational efficiency in real-time.

Learning Outcomes

At the successful completion of this programme, an Engineering Graduate will be able to:

  • Understand the basic concepts of IoT and smart factory
  • Develop industrial applications using PLC, SCADA

Eligibility Criteria

Students who have passed First Year of Electronics & Computer Engineering

Assessment Method

Evaluation is done by a variety of tools including Laboratory work, Presentation / Video making, Open book tests, MCQs (multiple choice questions), Study of research papers, Internal Assessment tools and End Semester Examinations etc. Mini-Projects are offered in courses also to encourage project based learning among students.

List of Courses

  • Cloud computing
  • Cloud computing Laboratory
  • Design And Development of IoT systems
  • Design And Development of IoT Systems Laboratory
  • Sensor Data Mining And Analytics
  • Sensor Data Mining And Analytics Laboratory
  • Industrial Automation: PLC and SCADA Laboratory
  • Industrial IOT Security
  • Industrial IOT Security Laboratory


  • Understand the various market segments and the potential revenue opportunities in each market segment
  • Plan for and develop a solid security approach to keep advisories from hacking an IoT system
  • Staff a project and then plan and execute a product schedule
  • What Industry 4.0 is and what factors have enabled the IoT.
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