Honours in High Performance Computing | Honours in High Performance Computing

Honours in High Performance Computing

| B.Tech. ( IT)

Currently, High Performance Computing (HPC) is one of the trending technologies in IT industries. The availability of voluminous data in the current era and the requirement of speedy processing of that data demands HPC. Also, nowadays HPC becomes essential due to advances in AI / ML algorithms that improve the accuracy at the cost of highly complex computations.

HPC uses supercomputers and parallel processing techniques for solving compute-intensive tasks. HPC systems have the ability to deliver near-real-time performance through the concurrent use of computing resources. HPC gives a high speed, powerful, and reliable platform to the business for executing, and monitoring jobs on remote clusters, clouds, and other resources so that the organization can concentrate on other important business processes. The other buzzing trend in the IT industries “Big Data Analytics” goes hand in hand with HPC. On the Cloud and in Data centers, HPC allows us to arrange, envision, streamline, and investigate the big data solutions. The availability of HPC based standard libraries/APIs liberates students, researchers, analysts, and architects to concentrate on their crucial work and invest less energy figuring out how to run applications and migrating information around to improve productivity.


This program aims to

  • This program aims to cover all the essential technical skills required to achieve the high performance such as parallel algorithms design and development. The other aspect, Quantum Computing is also included to achieve high performance.
  • This program exploits several distributed computing platforms such as Hadoop, MPI, Cloud etc. on which several big data processing tools such as Spark, Flink, Samza, Storm work.
  • This program gives due importance to specialized hardware such as Graphical Processing Units (GPUs), Tensor Processing Units (TPUs), Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) which improve the computational performance significantly.
  • This program incorporates applications of HPC considering several libraries required for big data analytics that performs preprocessing, feature extraction and AI/ML algorithms.

Learning Outcomes

At the successful completion of this Honors program student will be able to

  • Understand different parallel processing approaches and issues involved in HPC.
  • Design applications on different HPC platforms
  • Apply concepts of HPC to perform preprocessing, feature extraction and AI/ML on voluminous datasets.

Eligibility Criteria

Students who have passed First Year of Engineering in Information Technology, Artificial Intelligence  & Data Science successfully.

Assessment Method

Laboratory performance evaluation, Mini Projects, Viva-voce, Continuous Assessment through internal assessments and unit tests, End Semester Examination

List of Courses

  • Fundamentals of Parallel Computing
  • Distributed Computing
  • GPU Computing
  • Quantum Computing
  • HPC for AI/ML
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