Master Of Technology Digital Agriculture

Master Of Technology

Agricultural Science & Technology | M.Tech AGST

This program will be an interdisciplinary and innovative course that will combine the knowledge and skills of electronics and computer engineering with the principles and applications of agricultural engineering.

The aim of this program is to train the students to design, develop, and implement digital solutions and services for improving the efficiency, productivity, sustainability, and quality of agriculture and food systems by applying principles of data science and artificial intelligence Digital agriculture is a fast-growing and high-demand sector that requires skilled professionals who can integrate engineering and agricultural sciences. Agricultural Science & Technology is a key area of research and innovation that can generate new knowledge, technologies, and solutions for the challenges faced by the farmers.

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Key Information


K.J. Somaiya School of Engineering is one of the best colleges for Master’s program to provide a conducive environment for the learners to build required skills, knowledge and competency in the field of Digital Agriculture. The professional practice course helps students to impart practical skills in designing and realizing the basics of smart agriculture and helps in experiential learning opportunities together with exposure to the real world of Automation and Agriculture while imparting strong and vibrant education in technology, the curriculum provides a significant amount of insights into industry perspectives.

Career Paths

  • Government Sector
  • Precision Agriculture Specialist
  • Data Scientist/Analyst
  • Agri-Tech Entrepreneur
  • Agricultural Extension Officer/Inspector
  • Agricultural Policy Analyst
  • Agriculture Research Scientist
  • Agriculture Portfolio Manager
  • Freight coordinators
  • Process Engineer
  • Faculty in Education Institute and Technical Author
  • Further pursuing their research degree like Ph.D in Indian & foreign Universities


Semester I Semester II Semester III & IV
Statistical & Analytical Methods in Agriculture Agri-Robotics Open Elective / NPTEL SWAYAM#
GIS & Remote Sensing Crop Sciences and Soil Analytics  First Stage Project
Programming Paradigms and Databases  Mini Project Special Topic Seminar
Precision Agriculture Engineering Core Elective 1 Summer Internship
Fundamentals of Digital Agriculture  
Agriculture Market Analytics Defense of Project/Dissertation (Stage 2)
  Agri Business Management  
  Livestock and Aquaculture Food Product Processing
  Nutrition Security
  Core Elective 2
  Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Practices
  Smart Irrigation & Fertigation Systems
  Farm Mechanization
  Industrialization in Agriculture


  • Research & Ethics

    Students are guided and encouraged to present and publish a research paper.

  • Project Based Learning

    Active teaching with project based learning.

  • Build a Rewarding Career

    Placement opportunities for eligible and interested students .

  • Active & Flexible Curriculum

    Curriculum with cutting edge technology and innovative teaching in collaboration with KJ Somaiya Institute of Applied Agricultural Research (KIAAR) and NPTEL online lectures.

  • Diverse Prospects in Future

    This program enables one to shape their career from engineering avenues like Automation in agriculture, Robotics, Computer Vision, Data Science, etc.

  • Internships

    Full-time mandatory internship for six months at KIAAR along with the opportunity for vacational internships.

  • Open & Technical Electives

    Wide choice for branch-specific electives and more number of open or interdisciplinary electives.

Programme Outcomes

After successful completion of the M.Tech program in Agricultural Science & Technology the student will be able to:

Independently carry out research /investigation and development work to solve practical problems

Write and present a substantial technical report/document

Demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program. The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the appropriate bachelor program

Understand the interdisciplinary nature of the engineering problems, analyze critically and arrive at a solution.

Select, learn and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering and IT tools for complex engineering activities with an understanding of limitations.

Contribute ethically to the community for sustainable development.

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