Master of Technology

Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering | M.Tech (EXTC)

The postgraduate degree offered by the Electronics & Telecommunication is identified for its well-designed applied courses and highly equipped laboratories. The designed courses will help the students to gain knowledge in core as well as other professional domains.

This program molds the students in finding solutions to practical problems in the real world. Extensive project work and internship is an additional feature of the program. The M.Tech scheme highlights coverage of professional core courses supported with tutorials/laboratory and special laboratory courses from all the thrust areas of the department provides special emphasis on student’s programming skills and employability. Students are introduced to contemporary courses and offered wide choices of open electives. Equal weightage is given to continuous in-semester assessment and end semester examination. Internships are offered to the students so that they are better prepared for the industry.

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Key Information


The two-year Postgraduate program in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering primarily focuses on required competencies in telecommunication Engineering and developing technical and professional skill sets. The aim is to enhance core field knowledge through classroom learning, experimental learning, internships, course projects, software simulations, guest lectures, special topic seminars, etc. The year-long project and research paper writing adds to the research experience. The program has few compulsory courses and a large number of electives to deepen the knowledge in a particular area of choice like signal processing, networking, RF microwave along with few cutting edge technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning, IoT, etc. for all- round exposure. The students are prepared for their bright future and good industrial placements.



Launching of Minor Programme, Honour Programme, Certificate Courses and PG Diploma Programme in year 2021-2022


Establishment of Ph. D research Centre in Electronics & Telecommunication 2020-2021


Full time PG program Under Somaiya Vidyavihar University from 2020-2022


Syllabus revision KJSSE 2019 implementation


Formation of Somaiya Vidyavihar University


KJSSE syllabus 2016 implemented


Received autonomous status from university of Mumbai


Started in 2010

Eminent Alumni

Career Paths

  • Signal Processing Engineer
  • Networking and Planning Engineer
  • RF Microwave Engineer
  • Software Engineer
  • Information Technology Applications
  • Research scholar
  • Automation and Embedded Application Engineer
  • Faculty in educational institute
  • Specialized computer applications engineer like Data Analyst, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Deep Learning


Semester I Semester II
Wireless and Mobile Communication Machine Learning
  Core Elective 2
Micro wave and millimeter wave communication Wavelets and Multirate Systems VLSI Design Antenna Design
  Core Elective 3
Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Compression Microwave integrated Circuits Advanced Digital Communication
Core Elective 1 Core Elective 4
Image and Video processing RF and Microwave Circuits Embedded Systems Industrial System Design Network Security Optical Communication Telecommunication Network Design and Management
DSP Laboratory Professional Communication and Practices
Networking Laboratory Digital System design using HDL Laboratory OR Embedded systems Design Laboratory
Programming Techniques Laboratory Antenna Design Laboratory
Research Methodology & Intellectual Property Rights Mini-Project
Mandatory Non Credit course- I Mandatory Noncredit Course- II


  • All Round Development

    Curriculum is designed to develop core technical, computational, interpersonal and presentation skills through seminar, internships and projects.

  • Value-Added Courses

    A three-month compulsory internship helps to improve domain knowledge and interpersonal skills. Various non-credit courses, presentations add to the overall development of students.

  • Learning Beyond

    Students are offered Compulsory internship, industrial visits and are  encouragement for industry projects.

  • Up To Date Curriculum

    Curriculum revised periodically, designed through the industry, academia, alumni and student participation.

  • Interactive Engaging learning Sessions

    Mini projects, Case studies, quizzes, technical report writing, seminars, high-end practical exposure are parts of continuous and lively teaching-learning activity to make every student learn the concepts most effectively.

  • Knowledge Resources

    Qualified & experienced faculty keep upgrading themselves by participating in conferences, seminars, workshops and career-enhancement courses. Specialized laboratories and library equipped with reference books and with subscription to all major national and international journals.

Programme Outcomes

An ability to independently carry out research /investigation and development work to solve practical problems.

An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document.

Students should be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program. The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the appropriate bachelor program.

Recognize the need for ability to engage in life-long learning independently, to improve knowledge and competence continuously.

Understand and apply appropriate techniques of modern engineering and IT tools to optimize complex engineering activities.

Contribute ethically to community for sustainable development.

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