Honours in Automobile Engineering | Honours in Automobile Engineering

Honours in Automobile Engineering

| B.Tech. (Mech)

Honour program in Automobile Engineering provides opportunity to students to become a high-quality graduate engineer with specialist knowledge of automotive technology and the complementary professional and personal skills required for a successful career. Course work consists of Automobile Systems Design, Vehicular Pollution Measurement and Control Techniques, Automobile Vehicle Dynamics, Advanced Internal Combustion Engines and Electric Vehicles.

Honour in Automobile Engineering will be awarded to undergraduate students after successful completion of 20 credits other than major program. The program prepares students for entry-level work as an Automobile Engineer along with B.Tech degree in Mechanical Engineering.


  • The objectives of the Honours in Automobile Engineering program are to produce graduate who:
  • Have adequate knowledge in both practically and theoretically, covering the various types of automobile systems and are familiar with the electric vehicles, advanced internal combustion engine.
  • Will understand vehicle dynamics and various techniques to control vehicular pollution.
  • Shall contribute to the society in general by becoming professional engineer and responsible citizen of nation.

Learning Outcomes

  • LO1. Design, analyze and review safe and efficient automobile systems to meet industry requirements and regulatory environment.
  • LO2. Develop practicing professionals in Internal Combustion Engines and Electric Vehicles by acquiring its basic knowledge.
  • LO3. Identify, understand and analyze constituents of vehicular pollutants and behavior of the vehicle systems under dynamic conditions.

Eligibility Criteria

Students who have passed Second Year of B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering successfully.

Assessment Method

Tests, Laboratory work, Presentation, Quiz, Case study, Mini Project etc.

List of Courses

  • Automobile Systems Design
  • Vehicular Pollution Measurement and Control Techniques
  • Vehicle Dynamics
  • Electrical Vehicles
  • Advanced Internal Combustion Engines
  • Mini Project
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