Honours in Design Engineering | Honours in Design Engineering

Honours in Design Engineering

| B.Tech. (Mech)

The honour’s program provides specialist engineers (Honour-graduates) to meet the challenges of Design Engineering. Honour program in Design Engineering provides opportunity to students to enrich their knowledge in the design field along with their Major program for which they are admitted. The program has been designed for the mechanical system design with relevant inputs from Tribology and Failure analysis.

Curriculum of this honours program is designed to provide a required background for analyzing Power Transmission System, Material Handling System, Renewable Energy System, Design of Process Equipment, Design of components for Farm Machinery and Medical Devices, etc.


The objectives of the Honours in Design Engineering program are to produce graduate who:

  • Understand the design process for mechanical components/systems, process equipment and utilize this knowledge for real life problems.
  • Impart knowledge using software to solve practical, design and analysis problems of components to assemble the hypothetical mechanical system.
  • Proficient in analyzing and interpretation of mechanical engineering problems to provide a valid solution.
  • Acquainted with systematically design, review, analyze, assimilate and interpret the causes of failure of mechanical components and system.
  • Established them as practicing professionals in Design Engineering / Tribology and solve the problems of mechanical system design .

Learning Outcomes

  • LO1. Acquire the knowledge to design the mechanical system and utilize it for real life problems.
  • LO2. Acquaint with tribological principles and identify the causes of failure in mechanical components and systems.
  • LO3. Analyse and simulate the design problems to develop new product using innovative techniques.

Eligibility Criteria

Students who have passed First Year of B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering successfully

Assessment Method

Quiz, Tests, Laboratory work, Presentation, Case study in relevant area, mini project etc.

List of Courses

  • Strength of mechanical components
  • Process Equipment Design
  • Tribology
  • Mechanical System Design
  • Failure Analysis
  • Mini Project
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