Minor in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Minor in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) currently encompasses a huge variety of subfields, from general- purpose areas such as perception and logical reasoning, to specific tasks such as game playing, proving mathematical theorems, writing poetry, automated cars and diagnosing diseases. Often, scientists in other fields move gradually into artificial intelligence, where they find the tools and vocabulary to systematize and automate the intellectual tasks. In this sense, AI is truly a universal field.

The programme will focus on introducing AI & ML and their related technologies. The focus will be also related topics like machine learning, deep learning, Data science and their applications and solutions.

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Key Information


The offered program aims to-

  • Understand Artificial Intelligence and related technologies of artificial intelligence.
  • Understand design and development of new artificial intelligence technologies and solutions.
  • Implement Machine learning and deep learning algorithms for application and solutions.
  • Understand the concepts of Data science and trends in data analytics.

Learning Outcomes

At the successful completion of this minor program an engineering graduates will be able to

  • Design and develop intelligent solutions to problems in their application domain.
  • Apply principles of Data Science for analytics.
  • Implement various machine learning and deep learning algorithms for applications.

Eligibility Criteria

Student who has earned all credits of First Year of Engineering in Electronics Engineering / Mechanical Engineering./Electronics Engineering (VLSI Design & Technology)

Assessment Method

Evaluation is done by a variety of tools including Open book tests, MCQs (multiple choice questions), Study of research papers, Internal Assessment tools and End Semester Examinations etc. Mini-Projects are offered in courses also to encourage project based learning among students.

Proposed List of Courses

  • Data Science and Analytics
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Applied Project

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