Minor in Computer Networking and Security

Minor in Computer Networking & Security

The objective of the course is to impart knowledge of digital communication systems with emphasis on digital modulation techniques. It helps in understanding the basic building blocks of digital communication system. It provides the foundation for data networking core field to perceive a better career in the field of networking. It also includes the concepts of voice communication over IP and deals with RTP as the most important protocol for voice transmission. This course provides knowledge on network security threats, vulnerabilities and countermeasures. It elaborates on encryption mechanisms and network security protocols.

All courses in this certification are thoughtfully designed for the students to be equipped with skillset, as per needs of global standards of networking industry. The modules are developed in consultation with industry representatives and academicians. All courses blend theoretical concepts with hands-on experience, case studies and project based approach. Hence, even a working professional will also gain a lot in order to expand one’s career opportunities. 

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Key Information


  • Understand architecture of digital communication systems
  • Comprehend fundamentals of data networking communication networks
  • Analyze different protocols for voice communication over IP.
  • Analyze the threats and vulnerabilities in network
  • Explore encryption mechanisms and network security protocols

Learning Outcomes

At the successful completion of this minor program, the student will be able to:

  • LO1. Demonstrate knowledge of networking using multiple media.
  • LO2. Gain in-sight to analyse issues related to Networking.
  • LO3. Configure inter-network connectivity

Assessment Method

Tests, Mini projects, Case-Studies, Presentation, Quiz, internships, study of research papers, etc.

Eligibility Criteria

Students who have passed the First Year of Engineering in Electronics Engineering  / Mechanical Engineering / Robotics & Artificial Intelligence / Artificial Intelligence & Data Science. / 

Electronics Engineering (VLSI Design & Technology) / Computer Science & Business Systems

List of Courses

  • Digital Communications and Networks
  • Computer Networking
  • Internet and Wireless Networks
  • Network Security
  • Project on Computer Networking or Network Security / Internship

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