Minor in Electric Vehicle

Minor in Electric Vehicle

The light vehicle industry is facing a shortage of engineering talent needed to retool for the use of electric drives as the primary source of motive power. The program will fill that gap with the Electric Vehicle curriculum. The coursework provides knowledge and hands-on labs in characteristics of EVs.

This will be a first level programme on electric vehicles. Students will be able to understand the operation of battery driven electric vehicles. The programme will start with introduction to automobile systems and vehicle dynamics to understand the basic concepts of vehicle technology. Then the course will start covering these focus areas one by one such as energy sources, battery charging technology, electric motors and power electronics in EVs. The course also includes mini project or internship which enhances the practical knowledge of students.

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Key Information


  • To impart the basic knowledge of Electric Vehicle Technology.
  • To make the student conversant with power sources of today's and future EV.
  • To prepare the students for a career in the drastically changing automotive industry.
  • To acquaint the student with prerequisites for higher studies in Electric Vehicle.
  • To make the students aware of different areas of research in the field of Electric Vehicle.

Learning Outcomes

At the successful completion of this minor program students will be able to

  • LO1. Explore the technology in energy resources , battery charging electric motors and power electronics in todays and future electric vehicles.
  • LO2. Acquire knowledge for making a career in drastically changing automotive industry or pursuing higher studies in the area of electric vehicles.
  • LO3. Criticize the issues related to safety, regulations and future of EVs.

Assessment Method

Tests, Mini projects, Laboratory, Presentation/ Video making, Quiz, internships, study of research papers etc.

Eligibility Criteria

Student who has earned all credits of First Year of Engineering in any branch of Engineering

List of Courses

  • Automobile Systems and Vehicle Dynamics
  • Battery and other Energy Sources for EVs
  • Electric Motors and Power Electronics in EVs
  • Battery Charging Technology and Battery Management System
  • Electric Vehicle: Safety and Regulations and Future of EVs
  • Mini Project/Internship

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