Minor in Industrial Engineering and Management

Minor in Industrial Engineering & Management

Industrial engineering and management is a combination of the physical, mathematical and social sciences to design efficient manufacturing and service systems that integrate people, equipment and the information. Advancements in the areas of automation, management information systems and the process quality over the past century have revolutionized the field of manufacturing. This has greatly improved the quality of life.

Trends towards globalization, increased complexity and rapid technological innovations create an even greater need for the discipline of industrial engineering and management. Some of the sub-specialties in this field are operations research, systems engineering, manufacturing engineering, supply chain management, ergonomics or human factors engineering, safety engineering and the management science etc.

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Key Information


The objectives of this minor program are to produce graduates who :

  • Have knowledge on theories and principles of modern management and application of the same in private and public sector.
  • Endeavour to design, develop and implement the integrated systems that include people, equipment, material, information and the environment.
  • Undertake the challenges for contemporary professional practices and be able to adapt and solve the increasingly complex problems faced by industry.
  • Understand the process of entrepreneurship development and effectively manage business operations and project management teams.

Learning Outcomes

At the successful completion of this minor program an engineering graduates will be able to

  • LO1. Understand the basics of management and the various managerial functions for successful business operations.
  • LO2. Design and develop the integrated systems that include the various organizational resources.
  • LO3. Develop skills necessary to adapt to change in societal, technological, and global environments.

Assessment Method

Tests, quiz, mini-projects, presentations, study of research articles, etc.

Eligibility Criteria

Student who has earned all credits of First Year of Engineering in Computer Engineering/ /Electronics Engineering / Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering/ Information Technology /Artificial Intelligence & Data Science / Computer & Communication Engineering / Electronics Engineering (VLSI Design & Technology) / Computer Science & Business Systems / Electronics & Computer Engineering / 
Robotics & Artificial Intelligence

Alternative Online Courses

Suitable online courses such as NPTEL/MOOC etc. may be considered as an alternative to maximum one of the abovementioned stipulated courses. The permissible online courses will be announced at the appropriate time when this minor degree program will be in effect.

List of Courses

  • Industrial Engineering and Management
  • Entrepreneurship Development
  • Optimization Techniques
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Organizational Behaviour

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