Minor in Information Processing & Intelligent Systems

This Minor degree program consists of two parts: First is Information Processing and second is Intelligent Systems. The program includes understanding of physical nature of information and processing of information in the development of intelligent systems, a part of artificial intelligence.

Intelligent systems have growing number of applications in factory automation, service robotics, medical care, transportation, human identification, visual surveillance, entertainment and education. Topics include signal acquisition, information and computation, deterministic and random signal processing, understanding the role of knowledge representation, problem solving, and learning in intelligent-system.

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Key Information

Learning Outcomes

At the end of successful completion of this Minor Degree Programme , an engineer graduate will be able to

  • 1. Acquire physical signals such as speech, image, biomedical signals and signals from sensors.
  • 2. Process the acquired signals for feature extraction in specific applications.
  • 3. Design intelligent systems in their subject area.
  • 4. Integrate knowledge from various subject areas such as Statistics, Programming, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

Assessment Method

Quiz,Open book test, Theory examination, Mini project, Laboratory experimentation, Study of research paper

Eligibility Criteria

Student who has earned all credits of First Year of Engineering in Computer Engineering / Information Technology /Electronics Engineering / Mechanical Engineering/ Electronics and Computer Engineering.

List of Courses

  • Signal acquisition techniques
  • Information and Entropy
  • Image and video processing / Audio Signal Processing
  • Deep Learning/Online course (Credit) in following areas - Automation/ Machine Learning / Biomedical signal processing / Intelligent Systems: Techniques, Applications
  • Project


  • Understand signal acquisition techniques.
  • Acquire, store and plot one and two dimensional signals.
  • Understand the physical nature of information and information processing.
  • Understand fundamentals of digital signal processing for deterministic and random signals.
  • Introduce students to the basic knowledge representation and problem solving in a variety of circumstances.

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