Minor in Information Technology

Minor in Information Technology

Information Technology (IT) is an integral part of almost every medium to large scale industries regardless of the business domain. IT plays an important role in the automation/management of several major business processes such as HR management, finance, and accounting, supply chain management, manufacturing, customer relationship management, and marketing.

The primary motivation behind IT is to give the “right data to the right individuals at the right time”. The knowledge about the IT delivered in this program, will assist with learning the development of IT applications just as it will be helpful for the individuals who will be engaged with the administration exercises to comprehend the overall process.

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Key Information

Learning Outcomes

At the successful completion of this minor program, an Engineering Graduate will be able to

  • LO1. Recognize the basic building blocks of IT such as operating systems, network technologies, and algorithms.
  • LO2. Implement all the essential technical skills such as databases, mobile and web applications and deployment of applications on the cloud.
  • LO3. Demonstrate the best practices and optimization techniques required for IT application development.

Assessment Method

Laboratory performance evaluation, Mini Projects, Viva-voce, Continuous Assessment through internal assessments and unit tests, End Semester Examination.

Eligibility Criteria

Student who has earned all credits of First Year of Engineering in Electronics Engineering/ Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering / Mechanical Engineering /  Robotics & Artificial Intelligence / Electronics Engineering (VLSI Design & Technology) / Computer Science & Business Systems

List of Courses

  • Building blocks of Information Technology
  • Competitive Programming
  • Databases Management System
  • Mobile and Web Application Development
  • Application deployment on cloud


  • This program aims to cover all the essential technical skills such as databases and its advances, mobile and web application development, and application deployment on the cloud that plays a vital role in the development of the above-mentioned business processes.
  • This program delivers knowledge about the best practices and optimization techniques required for IT application development such as Competitive Programming.
  • This program gives due importance to fundamental concepts which are the basic building blocks of IT such as operating systems, network technologies, and algorithms.
  • This program also consists of mini projects based on each of the technical skills to ensure implementation proficiency.
  • The knowledge about the IT delivered in this program, will help to learn the development of IT applications as well as will be useful for those who will be involved in the management activities to understand the overall process.

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