Minor in IoT and Real Time Embedded Systems

Minor in IoT & Real Time Embedded Systems

In today’s world embedded systems are very important and have applications in almost all fields of engineering. With the addition of “Internet of Things” (IoT) the human world has changed significantly finding its applications in automotive industry, consumer electronics,medical devices, defence and many.

It is necessary for any graduating engineer to know fundamental principles of designing embedded systems and the Internet of Things.

The programme emphasizes the key aspects of both hardware and software of microcontrollers and their integration for development of real time applications.It introduces students to understand the process of development of embedded systems, from specifications to final marketable products.It exposes students to fundamentals of controllers, sensors and actuators used in embedded systems, various aspects of the design and development of hardware and software in an embedded system, and basics of IoT. In the process they are expected to use knowledge and apply skills gained in their domain of engineering.

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Key Information


  • This course on “IoT and Real Time Embedded Systems” aims to provide the knowledge of microcontroller and its programming.It also develops an ability to use appropriate sensors and actuators for design and integrate hardware and software for microcontroller systems.
  • It provides the basics of real time embedded systems and the internet of things. This helps students to design and develop small IOT applications.

Learning Outcomes

At the successful completion of this minor program an engineering graduates will be able to

  • LO1. Develop small embedded applications using microcontrollers, sensors and actuators.
  • LO2. Gain insights of IoT enabling technologies to design small IoT based applications.

Assessment Method

Tests, Mini projects, Laboratory ,Presentation/ Video making ,Quiz, study of research papers etc.

Eligibility Criteria

Students who have passed the First Year of Engineering in Electronics & Computer Engineering/ Computer Engineering / Information Technology / Artificial Intelligence & Data Science/  Mechanical Engineering/ Computer & Communication Engineering/ Robotics & Artificial Intelligence/ Computer Science & Business Systems/ Electronics Engineering (VLSI Design & Technology).

List of Courses

  • Microcontrollers and Embedded C Programming
  • Sensors and Actuators in embedded systems
  • Real time Embedded Systems
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Project/Internship on Embedded systems or IoT

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