Advent of electronic switching devices with high frequencies could make all types of power conversions possible with high efficiency and accuracy. Power electronics is the application of solid-state electronics to the control and conversion of electric power. Simultaneous developments in electric motors both AC and DC with flexibility in torque-speed characteristics were put in to use for various drives in Industry. From simple constant speed drive to variable speed drive (VSD) many applications were emerged in Industry.
With tailor made various torque-speed requirement of load in different time zones of application cycle and with the availability of energy source an engineer has to design the complete system. The system will need selection of motor, feedback control system, controller design and power converter. When this is integrated, will be the Drive.This Minor Degree program in Power Electronics and Drives of KJSSE is designed to carve young professionals from UG students who will be able to perform as experts in Industrial Drives and Automation field. This minor degree course helps students in developing analytical and investigative skills needed to design a complete electric drive. Case studies, Internships in Industry and mini projects which are the essential components of this program will give opportunity for experiential learning on real life problems through well formulated curriculum that foster hands-on learning.