Sound engineering is a vast field that covers all the aspects of music and sound. Sound engineering, also often termed audio engineering, refers to the art of reproducing, mixing, and reinforcing sound. Other than that, audio engineering is also involved in producing music, live performances, and films. Audio engineers usually work on the technical side of sound recording, which involves setting levels, placing the microphones, and making sure the respective audience receives good sound. They handle the entire technical side involving performances and Audio Production.
This minor program in Sound Engineering of KJSSE is designed to carve young professionals from UG students who will be able to process, record, edit and present sound, and their work is inarguably vital in the music industry. This minor program helps students to combine both art and a gamut of physics involved in Sound Engineering. Case studies, Internships in Industry, and mini projects which are the essential components of this program will give the opportunity for experiential learning on real-life problems through well well-formulated curriculum that fosters hands-on learning.