EESA Council conducted a Stress Management Seminar to highlight the importance
of mental health and deal with stress more efficiently. The speaker talked about the sudden changes we all went through during this one year due to COVID-19 restrictions. We had to adjust to doing different chores at home and having nearly no face-to-face interaction with people other than our family members. She said all this might lead to piling up of some
frustration, on top of which all of the negative news we heard over time could lead to
anxiety and thus lead to depression. Then she talked about how exercise helps our
body to release stress and make our mind positive. The speaker also continued the seminar by discussing coping strategies against all the stress we might have developed throughout lockdown. She told us how self-talk is essential to boost our mood and how negative self-talk can mess up our thoughts and affect our mood. She highlighted the importance of setting a routine to calm our minds instead of deciding an action last minute and confusing our minds. She also showed us how toxic productivity affected everyone over the period. She explained that people could deal with stress by interacting with like-minded people, taking breaks from social media and being aware of their thoughts. Our speakers then took questions from the audience. They answered the audience's doubts regarding the effects of exercise on our minds and if comparing ourselves to others is good or not and concluded the seminar.