Cyber Security and EMF Awareness

Publish Date

2nd November 2023

Area of Interest






K J Somaiya School of Engineering

The Internal Quality assurance Cell of K J Somiaya College of Engineering in association with Department of Information Technology and collaboration with Field Office , Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications, Govt of India is organising a Session on  " Cyber Security  and EMF Awareness " and showing the development in Telecommunication field with Grievance Redressal program on Nov 01,2023   in the Auditorium of the College  from 3.00 PM to 5.00 PM 
The famous adage, "Prevention is better than cure," holds true in various aspects of life, and it is particularly relevant when it comes to Cybercrime, including financial fraud. Prevention is crucial, but equally important is being prepared to respond effectively. In the event of a cybercrime, This includes raising awareness about the various types of cyber fraud that are prevalent and educating individuals on the actions they should take if they encounter such incidents. This needs to be done. Awareness and preparedness extend not only to students but also to the community faculty.
The objective of the session is a way to bust the myths associated with the radiation from a mobile tower to convey the message to the students. That radiation emitted by mobile towers is not harmful to our health. And they are quite safe.

This session is open to Students (both UG and PG), faculty and entire staff of the College.