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B310, K.J.Somaiya college of engineering, Vidyavihar Mumbai 400077
Mon-Fri 9:00 to 5:00 AM
(To update profile)
Venkataramanan is a assistant professor in the Department of Information Technology at K J Somaiya College of Engineering, Vidyavihar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400077. He has 57 papers that have been published in international journals and presented at national and international conferences. His research focuses on next-generation wireless technologies, MIMO-OFDM, IoT, AI, ML, and VLSI systems. He holds two application patents and one design patent. He reviewed over 180 papers in refereed journals such as The International Journal of Communication Systems (Wiley), IEEE Journal of the Internet of Things (IEEE), Computer Communication (Elsevier), IET: Signal Processing (IET), Journal of Network and Computer Applications (Elsevier), International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IGI Global Publishing), IET Networks (Wiley), Digital Communications and Networks (Elsevier), and Vehicular Communication. He serves on the editorial boards of several journals, including International Research Publication House, Advances in Mobile Learning Educational Research, and Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics. He delivered over 18 invited guest lectures, seminars, and workshops at a variety of organisations, including the top 50 NIRF institutions. He was a mentor for two international contests, CANSAT and the Rover Challenge. The team competed in a variety of contests around the United States, Europe, and elsewhere. He has around ten research collaborations with international and national professors. He received an invitation to teach a skill-based 5G course (IoT Builder). The Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development and Employment Generation Board (MPSSDEGB) and the Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer (FITT) of the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi) are working together to run this course.
M.Tech VLSI Design,SRM University, Chennai.,2010
PhD,Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai,2021
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