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Mechanical Engineering
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Kashinath Patil ,Anudeepa Kholapure ,Abhishek Pratap Singh Bhadauria ,Pavithra Nayak ,Vedant Khatod,Yash Chandarana,Mehul Doshi,Harshit Raval & Prathmesh Joshi

Almost 67% of Indian population stays in rural area. In the rural areas prominent resources of water are underground (boring) water or small lakes or wells. Most of these sources are contaminated. Hence majority of people drink the polluted water. Which causes various harmful diseases like diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, skin infections etc. There are many reasons behind pollution of water for e.g. slurry, sewage, polluted water from factories, washing of clothes and bathing of people and animals in the lakes, pesticides from agricultural land etc. Best solution for water purification is boiling and then drinking. Our purpose is here is to design the device which will on solar energy as well as cost effective so that each villager could afford it. Despite the overabundance of water on earth, very little of the water is both useable and readily available for human consumption. Water treatment techniques and water purification are important to address this scarcity and ensure all humans can live healthy lives with easy access to drinking water. A lot of commercially available water purification systems may be expensive and rely on electricity which makes them inconvenient to use in areas with inadequate access to electricity. Considering the plentiful access to sunlight many regions in India enjoy throughout most of the year, we hope to look into an alternative solution by incorporating solar interventions in the water purification process. Under this project, the water would undergo a two-step filtration and purification process via heat treatment.

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