
An Intelligent Voice-Recognition Wheelchair System for Disabled Persons

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(ICSCSS), Jun. 2023
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This study illustrates the creation of an intelligent voice-recognition wheelchair for disabled persons who cannot manually man-oeuvre their wheelchairs. Using voice recognition, the patient operates the wheelchair, and a GPS device included in the wheelchair can track the patient’s position and communicate the data to a Smartphone. To carry out the people’s orders, the voice module V3 records and can recognize the patient’s voice. This module converts the voice commands into letters, subsequently transmitted to the Wi-Fi module to operate the wheelchair. The Wi-Fi module sends commands to the motor drive for the wheels. In addition, three levels of motor speed adjustment are available: low, medium, and high. This device also utilizes an Infrared sensor to automatically identify obstacles, allowing the patient’s family members to know exactly where they are. Disabled People can be used this device, which simultaneously provides a voice-controlled wheelchair, obstacle detection, motor speed control, and patient GPS tracking via mobile phone; it will be a successful solution for disabled people across the world.

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