
Novel Coaxial Cable Implementation of Miniaturized Wilkinson Power Divider and Quadrature Hybrid Coupler for VHF Applications
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This article presents a novel implementation of compact Unequal Wilkinson Power Divider (UWPD) designed for the power split ratio (PSR) of 1:4 using series and parallel combinations of the coaxial cables. This arrangement results in a very compact power divider for Very High Frequency (VHF) applications, has good matching at all the ports, very good amplitude balance, desired relative phase difference and isolation between the output ports. With proper choice of the cables, the proposed method of implementation is capable of handling high power with low insertion loss. Besides, by merely trimming the length of the coaxial cable the fine frequency tuning and phase equalization can be easily accomplished, this is not easy with its microstrip line configuration once its printed circuit board (PCB) fabrication process is carried out. Furthermore, the reduction up to 78.84% has been achieved in the length of quarterwave line in the proposed 1: 4 UWPD as compared to that of its respective conventional design footprint, with potential for the further miniaturization due to the use of the flexible coaxial cables. For the fabricated compact power divider the simulated and measured results are found in good agreement.