"Dalit Aesthetics In Translation: An Alternative Literary Canon"
- Abstract
Abstract: India has a long history of one the oldest cultural civilizations in the world. The cultural values of Hindu religion have a profound impact on the various artistic creations of Indians. Literature is one of human activities, which has been completely governed by the aesthetics of traditional literatur. The aesthetics of Indian literature is entrenched in the Hindu religion and its spiritual values. It is closely associated with the different rasas and the aesthetic values such as beauty, imagination and pleasure. The focus of traditional literature has been limited to the purpose of recreation and spiritual awakening through the use of ornamental language which includes imagery, metaphors, rhythm, and the mythological allusions. The traditional literature does not have any connection with the day-to-day problems of oppressed people. The literary cannons of such literature demand the use of refined language to maintain the purity in the literary expression. The poetics of traditional literature conform to the non-inclusive principles of elitists who use literature as a means for receiving some sort of sense gratification. The aesthetics of such literature is far away from the problems of oppressed class. In fact, the traditional literature does not have any space for the real problems of a large section of oppressed society, whose voice is either muted or it is systematically ignored by the upper caste Hindus. Inspired by the social activism of leaders like Mahatma Phule, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Periyar E. V. Ramasamy and others, a large number of writers from the oppressed background started writing in their own local language with a purpose to reconstitute a society based on the egalitarian values - equality, liberty, fraternity and justice. This newly awakened democratic social consciousness is manifested in the Dalit literary writing. This new literary corpus doesn’t conform to the set monolithic literary cannons, but it allows them to articulate their