Library Committees

The function of the Library Advisory Committee is to support the functioning of the library so that it can facilitate the library development plans.

The Committee’s main objective is to aid in the functioning of the library by establishing a bridge between the Library, the academic fraternity and the college management. The Library Advisory Committee (LAC) is appointed by the Principal of the institution.


The LAC has 12 members and composition is as follows:

  • Chairperson:
    Principal of the College
  • Members:
    Heads of the Departments, two additional members proposed by Librarian
  • Secretary:

Meeting Frequency:

The LAC would meet quarterly in a year to review the library affairs.

Tenure:The committee automatically gets reconstituted as the office bearer’s changes periodically. Principal can recommend a replacement for a member. Other members will be reconstituted once in three years.

No member shall serve the Committee for more than two consecutive terms. For the sake of continuation, at least two members from previous committee shall necessarily be the part of new committee.

Students’ Library Committee

  • Student’s library committee (SLC) provides an opportunity for students to get involved in the decision making processes that guide the enhancement of learning spaces and library services and resources.
  • The Committee provides for direct communication between students and the administrators of the Library.
  • Members in this committee can put forth recommendations which shall be considered in the LAC.


The SLC has 10 members and composition is as follows:

  • Chairperson:
    Vice Principal of the College
  • Members:
    Four ‘Star Readers’ (FY, SY, TY, MTech-I) of the library from current calendar year, one female representative and two other representatives from different branches.
  • Secretary:
    Librarian shall be the Secretary of SLC

Meeting Frequency:

The SLC would meet at least once in a year or as and when required.

Tenure: Star reader member will be replaced annually as they are identified according to statistics of maximum no. of books borrowed. Other members will be reconstituted once in two years.

No member shall serve the Committee for more than two consecutive terms.

For the sake of continuation at least three members from previous committee shall necessarily be the part of new committee.