
Orientation/User awareness programme

The librarian takes an active part in the orientation programme organized by the college for the benefit of new students in the beginning of academic year. They are taken around the library to familiarize them with various resources and services available for them.

Information Literacy Drive

For P.G. students at the beginning of the course information about library services, resources, etc are provided. Students are informed and trained to

  • Identify resources
  • Evaluate them
  • Use the resources more effectively and ethically

Online catalogue

Online Search for Resources: WebOPAC

  • The library catalogue lists the books, Standards, book bank books, CDs, DVDs and other media available in all the Somaiya libraries. The Web OPAC link is displayed on the KJSSE Library page at
  • All users are provided with Somaiya Vidyavihar SVV Net ID which is used for accessing internet, Wi-Fi, and Web OPAC.

Librarians can help you find sources, conduct research, and understand an assignment.

Circulation /Issue of books and Membership details

Reading Room:

9:30 am to 9:00 pm

Circulation Section :

9:30 am to 6:00 pm

Circulation /Issue of books and Membership details

  • Smart cards are not transferable.
  • For UG student:
    • Three books for a period of seven days.
    • Once issued such books cannot be returned on the same day.
  • For PG student:
    • Four books for a period of fourteen days.
    • Once issued such books cannot be returned on the same day.
  • One book and one CD are allowed overnight from Reference Section after 4.00 pm and are to be returned before 10.30am on the next library working day, failing which a fine will be charged at the rate of Rs.10/- per day for UG & PG students.
  • The library adopts the Credit fine system. A credit of Rs. 500/- is permitted and the student will be allowed to issue books until the fine reaches Rs.500/-.
  • In calculating overdue charges holidays are not left out in the reckoning. (Do not take a book if you cannot return it on time).
  • The borrower is fully responsible for the books & other library material borrowed from library.
  • Loss/damage of books or any material must be brought to the notice of the librarian immediately. The member must arrange to replace the lost material preferably with the latest edition available and will have to pay the library fine that is applicable at that time.
  • Automated email intimation is sent to user if any book issued by them is overdue or has a reservation.
  • Reserved books will not be reissued.

Membership Details


Student members of K J Somaiya School of Engineering will be issued a RFID Smart card, which will remain in force for the duration of the study year and shall not be transferable.

Faculty/ Staff

Full time faculty or staff, is entitled to become a member of the library. The membership will remain in force till the period of his/her service.

Library Section Member Entitlement Loan Period
Home Issue U. G. Students 3 Books 7 days
Ph.D. Research Scholar 4 Books 14 days
P. G. Students 4 Books 14 days
Faculty Member Teaching UG 5 Books 30 days
Faculty Member Teaching PG 7 Books 30 days
Staff 1 Books 14 days
Reference For All 1 Book or 1 CD Overnight
P.G. Students/Faculty Member/Staff 1 Kindle 7 days
Book Bank U. G.  Students 10 Books 1 academic year
Global Common Circulation For All 1 Book from any Somaiya Library 7 days

Global Common Circulation (GCC)

(Inter-Library loan)

  • Global Common Circulation (GCC) is adopted for the campus libraries by which any student, faculty or staff member belonging to any of Somaiya Institution can avail the K J Somaiya School of Engineering library facility. Similarly, K J Somaiya School of Engineering students can also avail library facility of other Somaiya Institutions.
Book bank
  • The Book Bank service available for the UG students
  • Students can borrow maximum 10 books of their choice from the Book Bank
  • Students need to pay 15% of total cost of the books as reading charges
Current Awareness service
  • Current content pages of print journals are scanned and sent on mail for ready reference.
  • The same is made available on Intranet.

Turnitin (Anti-Plagiarism Software)

  • Turnitin is a leading software used by researchers all over the world for checking originality and prevention of plagiarism.
  • UG, PG students, Ph.D research scholars and faculty members are encouraged to check their thesis/ dissertations /research publications, etc. using this software.
Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI)
  • Every department has their identified thrust areas of research; library keeps them abreast by sending mails regarding recent articles published in their areas of research.
  • Library keeps a record of individuals doing research in a particular area, and relevant research articles, updates on seminars/ conferences to be held and other related information are sent by email.
GATE Software
  • Library has made available the (GATE) Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering software which has various resource materials and collection of question papers of the past years