Library Rules

  • Library facility is restricted to current students & staff of the KJSSE having valid identification issued by K J Somaiya School of Engineering.
  • Ex-students are required to obtain written permission from the Principal’s office to use the library facility.
  • Students must observe complete silence in the library. Discussion/conversation whatsoever is not permitted.
  • Student should keep their belongings on the Baggage Rack kept for the purpose. Library staff is not responsible for any loss.
  • Smoking, consumption of food and drink (except water), is not permitted in the library.
  • Use of mobile phone is strictly prohibited. Mobiles are to be kept in the silent mode and you are required to leave the library if you need to use it.
  • Library material should be handled with utmost care. Nobody should write, damage or make any mark on any of the library materials.
  • On receiving a book, student must examine it for any kind of damage, such damage should be immediately brought to the notice of Library staff. Failure to do so may entail him/her being held responsible for any damage detected later.
  •  Any library book that has been lost or damaged by the library user has to be replaced. The lost copy must be replaced with a new one, preferably with the latest edition.
  • The Librarian reserves the right to recall any book before the due date if necessary.
  • The overdue charge for recalled books will be heavier in case of delay in the return.
  •  The library adopts the Credit fine system, and the library fine generated will have to be paid online through  
    Credit Fine System – 
    A credit of Rs. 500/- is permitted and the student will be allowed to issue books until the fine reaches Rs.500/-. Once a late fine reaches Rs.500/- and above then the system automatically locks the student's account and the student will not be allowed to issue the next book. After the student pays the library fine using then automatically the system opens the student’s account and allows to borrow books.
  • Library furniture arrangement should not be disturbed.
  • At the time of leaving the college, the student is required to submit all the issued library materials, collect the ‘No dues’ form from the respective department and get clearance from the Library Department.
    The mark sheets will be issued only after the student produces the clearance from all the departments.
  • Regarding all other matter concerning the library, decision of the Principal will be final.